The Beauty in Giving

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Finding the Joy in Giving

I have always enjoyed the hobby of shopping and yes I consider shopping a hobby.

While I shop, I come across items that remind me of people, events, and places in my life. I turn these items into gift ideas. It is such a joy in my life to give to others.

I want to share my joy of finding and sharing gifts. I created The Beauty in Giving blog to inspire others to enjoy the process of giving as well.

Here you will find ideas, get inspiration, and even make your own gifts.

5 ways you can take the stress out of gift shopping and instead find the beauty in it:

  1. Create a notes page on your phone. Label the notes gift ideas. As you approach a holiday or event, make a section in the notes page. Write the names of all the people that you want to give to under that holiday or event.Throughout the year, take pictures or write the names of items that remind you of these people in your life. Add them to your notes page beside the person’s name.

  2. List interests and hobbies when you are talking to your friends, families, or coworkers make notes on what their interests are. Did your boss say he “loves baseball”? Write it down. Is your mom into bird watching? Write it down. Did your brother say “I’ve always wanted something to display my golfballs.” Write it down. This will help limit your search and keep you from being overwhelmed with ideas for gifts.

  3. Look for Unique gifts. As you go through your regular (non-holiday) seasons, take your time to look for unique items that you can buy. When you are at your local farmer’s market, look for ideas. When you go on your vacation, look for ideas. Every place we go to can have a unique gift for a friend or loved one.

  4. Gift Experiences. Whenever I am struggling with a gift idea for someone, I look for experiences. This is my new favorite gift to give because the memories from experiences can last a lifetime. Use an idea from your interests and hobbies list and search for an experience.

  5. Host a secret santa or white elephant party. These types of parties are not only fun ,but also a way to get out of purchasing a gift for every friend or even family member.